Islamic Republic cannot be reformed. Regime change is the only option for Iran! جمهوری اسلامی اصلاح پذیر نیست

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Call on the UN Secretary General to Resign

To:  The United Nations 

Thursday, December 31st, 2009
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of United Nations
The United Nations
New York, N.Y 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

It is our understanding that the role of the United Nations is to “bring peace and prosperity to the people of the world.” The UN, in this age of terror and horrendous human rights violations (i.e. such as Burma, China, Sudan and Iran,) has failed miserably, to meet its obligations and its purpose under your tutelage. Hence, we the undersigned, emphatically request, Mr. Secretary General, that you submit your resignation based on the following points:
• Your loud silence, continuing to ignore the ongoing, blatant and insidious violations of human rights in Iran, is completely inexcusable. Where is the moral voice and authority of the Secretary-General?; missing in "inaction." During this critical period in history, you continue to exhibit counter-productive and pathetically weak leadership skills. The absence of wise leadership and fortitude during your tenure, allows terrorist groups and treacherous Mullahs to thrive. Your complete incompetence and lack of character, Mr. Secretary General, fuels the flames of terrorism, brutal dictatorships, and acts of genocide. Most importantly, your behavior betrays the Iranian people and places the rest of the world at risk.
• Starting June 12, 2009, Iranians have signed and submitted numerous petitions, to the UN. Each time, our petitions fall on deaf ears. Our pleas need to be heard by a more socially responsible individual, one who speaks up for injustices and honors the code of this influential position.
• Despite the Charter of the United Nations, the UN walks away from the men, women and children being beaten, brutalized, raped, run over and shot throughout Iran. Your "quiet diplomacy" and appeasement, is not working! Amnesty International proclaims that human rights violations in Iran, are as deplorable today, as at any time in the past 20 years

• Discontent with your performance echoes throughout the civilized world. The Economist's scorecard, rates you an unacceptable, three out of ten, based on your handling of civil wars and "speaking truth to power". Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, states "The main image people have of him is sitting down with the bad guys and getting nothing." Norway's U.N. ambassador, Mona Juul refers to you, in her memo to Norway's foreign minister, as a "spineless and charmless" leader, who fails to convey the U.N.'s "moral voice and authority." Your own civil servants and diplomats increasingly portray you as an ineffective administrator, whose reluctance to hold outlaw leaders to account for bad behavior, has undercut the United Nations' moral authority.

We do not feel you reflect the integrity and vision nor the resilience, requisite for the position of the Chief of the United Nations. On behalf the severely oppressed Iranians and in the best interest of the free world, we ask you to resign.
The Undersigned

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Many Shades of Iran’s Green Movement

The New Media Journal

Arash Irandoost

December 5, 2009

As Iranian demonstrators are quietly gearing up for the next uprising and as the regime is nervously and secretly devising strategies and scare tactics to keep demonstrations under control for the upcoming December 7th, the color Green manifests itself in various forms by various groups to signify their cause.

Green was the color chosen by Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi during the 2009 presidential elections. However the “Green Movement” refers to uprisings which have been taking place since June 12th elections in Iran.

In part, the Green Movement was conceived after hundreds of thousands of supporters of Mr. Mousavi took to the streets to protest their votes. Demonstrations were met with a brutal crackdown and Khamenei, instead of deferring to the demands of the people, resorted to violence, giving birth to the Real Green Movement of Iran.

True that there might have been strong initial support for Mousavi and his Green campaign. But seizing the opportunity, the campaign quickly transformed itself to the real aspirations of the Iranian people and can no longer be considered as an expression of support for Mr. Mousavi. Mousavi’s Green officially came to an end when he formed a new social front called the “the Green Path of Hope.” Several Mousavi sympathizers have been trying to resurrect the Mousavi Green, but it seems that it has lost traction among the Iranians.

Notwithstanding, there are still many shades of Green lurking inside and outside of Iran, but can be categorized into three:

1) There are those (so-called Greens) who advocate a theocratic political system, and do not want to see the current "regime" overthrown, but "reformed" through peaceful means and by using the current system's constitution to effect change. Last thing people like Moussavi, Karuubi, and Khatami, who are deeply loyal to the ideals of Khomeini and were themselves leaders of the 1979 revolution that resulted in the creation of the current political system, want is for the system to collapse. They think that the current system, specifically the current constitution, has enough tools in it to allow the system to reform itself. In their view, power needs to be transferred to the people gradually. What should be noted here is that the so-called Green leaders are concerned with correcting the wrong direction the revolution has taken.
There's good reason for the so-called Green leaders to seek a gradual transformation of power. The fact is, they, at one time or another, have taken part in brutal repression of the Iranian people themselves and are worried that their own criminal activities will be exposed once the regime is toppled. As the people who helped shape the current constitution, the so-called Greens fully believe in Islamic republic and are fully aware that Islamic republic has intentional safeguards to prevent any meaningful reform and return to democratic rule.

A question for Iranians to ponder is whether real reform can take place by the so-called Green leaders. To answer it, a critical examination of Mr.
Mousavi’s background is a must. Even if Mousavi had come into office following the June 12 presidential election, he would not have challenged the political order. Like other reformist, Mr. Khatami, he would have tried to fix the Islamic republic's internal and external crises through slight policy tweaks. Mousavi's rivalry with Ahmadinejad has more to do with internal power struggles and economic policy. No Iranian president could fundamentally change Iran's position on nuclear policy or its regional role because it is fully understood that foreign-policy decisions fall to Iran's supreme leader. Furthermore, Mr. Mousavi advocates “the full execution of the constitution and a return to the Islamic Republic's original ethics (Khomeinism). He demands “Islamic republic, not a word less; not a word more." Some of Mr. Khomeini’s “original ethics might be useful here: [T]hose who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. All the countries conquered by Islam or to be conquered in the future will be marked for everlasting salvation. For they shall live under [God's law]. Khomeini: Islam Is Not a Religion of Pacifists (1942)Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! … Islam says: Kill them, put them to the sword. People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! Khomeini: Islam Is Not a Religion of Pacifists (1942)

Those who have blindly joined the so-called Green are strongly advised to examine Mousavi’s past before they jump on his band wagon, otherwise they will be greatly disappointed as many 1979 demonstrators have been after witnessing 30 years of broken promises.

2. There are Iran’s Pro democracy Movement  (Real Greens) that completely oppose the totality of the Islamic republic and a theocratic regime. For them, the idea of "the Islamic Republic" is repulsive, and they advocate nothing short of total eradication of the Islamic republic. They believe that Islamic republic cannot be reformed and regime change is the only viable option. A significant characteristic of the Real Green Movement is that it does not have any specific leader. Its leaders are men and women on the streets. The alternative that these groups propose is quite diverse, and includes the monarchists, leftists, socialists, plus some religious and minority groups. There is no consensus amongst these groups on how they think the regime should fall and what form the new government should take. Some advocate a bloody revolution and mass uprisings while others see it through non-violent means.

3) Finally, there are those who believe in a true Islamic (Caliphate) state, and return to 7th century pure Islamic principles. Ahmadinejad and Khamenei belong to this shade of Green. Despite the fact that Amnesty International has ranked Iran second to China in human rights violations, they constantly brag about the liberties bestowed to Iranian women under the banner of the Shariia law, and hope for exporting their system of theocracy to other countries. The color green is deceptively used by the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Intelligence and plain clothes Basij militia not as a separate movement but to infiltrate demonstrators in order to identify and arrest its leaders, subvert the movement and prevent it from gaining strength.

Since June 12th, the political leaders in Iran for a variety of reasons have belonged to either of the three opposition groups at one time or another and have switched sides to suit their purpose.

Today's demonstrations, the people who come to the streets are Iranian youths, university students, women, human rights and political activists who form 70% of the Iranian population and are desirous of a free, independent and secular Iran. They are conscious of failures of past reforms and do not believe that Islamic republic under a supreme leadership that controls both the Islamic and national law can be reformed. The Real Green movement is fueled by the desire for democracy, human rights and secularism, all absent in Iran current constitution. This is why both Ahmadinejad and Mousavi who pretend to lead their respective greens fear the success of the Real Green Movement.

A true democracy and reform cannot be realistically achieved under the Islamic republic banner and by those who give pretense of reform and see Khomeini as the ultimate revolutionary and source of aspiration. It seems that the Islamic regime has entered a phase that whatever tactics it adopts and whatever shade it puts on, it only brings its demise closer. This is the beginning of the end of one of the most brutal, heinous regimes of the 21th century. No doubt its demise will have far-reaching effect on the Middle East and political Islam.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Iranian Demonstrators Destined for Victory

By Arash Irandoost

It was in Iran that astronomy grew as a science and mathematics as an art; there chess was invented. Long before the Romans dared to venture out of Rome, Cyrus the Great declared the first charter of human rights in the world. Perhaps it is this rich history that inspires and motivates Iranians to rise up in defiance of a brutal regime.

Defying the Islamic republic has been thirty years in the making. It is a response to unimaginable cruelty and violence by a backward-thinking minority and an absurd and undemocratic system of caliphate and supreme leadership (Velayat-e-fagih) that views Iran as a conquered nation and Iranians as its dutiful subjects. Having been treated like second-class citizens in their own country, courageous Iranians have disowned this medieval system of government by emulating their national and epic heroes and taking lessons from their rich and proud history.  

As much as one might geographically label Iran as part of the Middle East and statistically call it a Muslim country, Iranians believe that Islam was imposed on them by the sword and have resisted its intrusion by preserving their pre-Islamic identity. At risk of political incorrectness and despite the Islamic propaganda, it must be said that Iranians did not embrace Islam, since they perceived their culture, customs, civilization, and literature superior to those of their ill-educated, uncultured Muslim invaders. A British diplomat once said, "I lived amongst the Persians for thirty years and never saw a Muslim." The number of apostates is on the increase ever since the revolution.

For many Iranians, the revolution of 1979 was certainly a non-religious, anti-imperialistic movement in which "independence and freedom" were the key goals. 

The revolution of 1979 was not an Islamist movement, and Iranians who participated in it did not envisage an Islamic form of government. They were longing for a progressive and secular system of government based on democratic principles. There were no previous references to an Islamic republic during the early stages of revolt. But soon the Islamists, led and encouraged by Khomeini and supported by the left, were uttering, "Independence, freedom and Islamic republic," without providing a clear definition of the term "Islamic."

The initial draft of the Iranian constitution was modeled after the French one and was a secular document without any reference to Velayat-e-fagih. Iranians were fooled to believe that the Islamic republic is a pious and democratic form of government. Aware of its illegitimacy and cognizant that mullahs were viewed by Iranians as incapable of running a nation's affairs, Islamist operatives kept their real motives cunningly vague until after the revolution.

As soon as the opportunity presented itself, the deceitful Islamists, with the help of their leftist compradors, radically altered the draft before its final ratification, injecting religious supremacy over people essentially to what it is today. The leftists were tricked by the promise of standard, classic leftist demands. Those who noticed the changes in the Constitution and dared to object were silenced and labeled as traitors (pro-West and counterrevolutionaries). In such a highly charged atmosphere, a non-republic Islamic Constitution was pushed through, ensuring the supremacy of very select religious few over the Iranian people.

But how could these so-called pious men of Islam morally justify their behavior or a document so contradictory to the wishes of the revolutionaries? 

The truth is that the very concept of Velayat-e-fagih in the Constitution is being used to justify blatant human rights violations such as torture, rape, and murder. As conceived by Khomeini and embraced by the IRI leaders, the Velaya-e-fagih is given the absolute power to change or disregard anything he deems detrimental to the Islamic rule. Thus, raping virgin girls before hanging them; torturing and killing political prisoners; and defrauding elections are all justified for the "expediency" of the system. In such an ideologically driven climate, lying, stoning, shooting innocent demonstrators like Neda, threatening to wipe Israel off the map, and building a nuclear bomb have become religious duty -- virtuous deeds deserving of black-eyed virgins in the land of milk and honey. Sadly, many world leaders and international organizations, such as the UN and IAEA, are bamboozled and continue to remain silent and appease this repressive and corrupt regime.

Not only the promises of free housing and utilities by Khomeini are long forgotten, but Iran has been struggling economically by various misdirected policies: corruption is rampant, unemployment is at 25%, inflation hovers around 30% annually, and more than 50% of Iranians live below the poverty level in a nation with 80 billion dollars in annual oil revenues. Privatization and cutting off subsidies are Ahmadinejad's solutions for 30 years of incompetence.

IRGC, basijis, and members of the religious sector plunder the nation's natural resources and share it with terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, while many Iranians sell their kidneys or prostitute their daughters so that their families make ends meet.

Nevertheless, over the past 30 years, the number of demonstrations opposing deteriorating living conditions -- and in the past four months, challenging the very essence and legitimacy of Velayat-e-fagih -- has grown steadily. We have witnessed student uprisings, worker and teacher strikes, ethnic uprisings, women and minority demonstrations. In the absence of reliable statistics, slogans have become a barometer of people's appetite for regime change. Cries of "where is my vote" have quickly escalated to the real aspirations of Iranians who are now demanding "independence, freedom, and Iranian republic!" and calling Khamenei an illegitimate leader and a criminal.

Iranians have earned world respect and gained much in their favor since the June 12th protests. The regime is facing a legitimacy crisis like never before. The Velayat-e-fagih is no longer considered as a God-sent pious figure but a corrupt and power-hungry dictator, a target of Iranian anger and frustration. Lackluster Mousavi is viewed as an inept and incomprehensible leader who now follows the movement and is no longer considered relevant. Like Khatami, Mousavi is viewed incapable of any meaningful reform. 

As the world watches, brave Iranians are enduring reprehensible violence by the regime's thugs. But their spirits remain high. They have shown the ability to outmaneuver the ever-repressive regime and express their collective will as they take advantage of opportune events. Demands for freedom and democracy will manifest in various forms at opportune moments until final destination is reached. Then, as is destined, the god of light, Ahura Mazda, will prevail and rid Iran of evil, darkness, and deceit.

Dr. Arash Irandoost is a pro-democracy activist who advocates regime change in Iran. He blogs at

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shortwave Radio Can Help Free Iran

by: Arash Irandoost

In reaction to the Islamic Republic's media crackdown, I have been discussing the merits of establishing shortwave radio broadcasting with media experts and those interested in over throwing the Islamic dictatorship of Iran. The idea has received wide acceptance as a viable tool. I have decided to share it with the people of the world and ask for input and financial support, as they have been most generous and supportive allies of this pro-
Establishing reliable communications between Iran and the people of the world is essential.
democracy movement. Many world leaders and international organizations, on the other hand, have been absent and silent.

The Islamic Republic has systematically attempted to cut off communication links, in order to accomplish its inhumane and bloody massacre of the peaceful demonstrators who, within the confines of the ever-restrictive Islamic Republic's laws, rose up and demanded an accurate vote count. Thus, establishing reliable communications between Iran and the people of the world is essential and of utmost urgency. 
I applaud Senators McCain, Graham, Liebermann, McCotter, and many others, for taking the leadership and speaking up in support of the Iranian people in their determination to establish Internet communication between the pro-democracy demonstrators and the people of the world. A discussion of the prevailing communications situation in Iran will help us focus our energies and resources where it is most effective and does the most good. 
International reporters being absent, the majority of Iranians get their news from the state-run media, which is directly controlled by the Ahmadinejad camp. Doctored pictures of missiles, fighter jets and exaggerated crowds during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speeches should give the reader an idea of the type and quality of manipulated information Iranians are exposed to by the mullahs every day. 
Internet communications is under the ultimate control of the Islamic Republic as well, no thanks to companies like Nokia. The regime can easily cut it off, limit access, decrease bandwidth, and use it as a spying and surveillance tool to identify and arrest pro-democracy youth activists. Compared to the United States and many other developed countries, access to the Internet is in its early stages, and the majority use dial-up modems to access news and information. Not to mention that many Iranians do not speak the English language or other foreign languages, and cannot realize the full benefits the Internet offers. 
Twenty or so Farsi satellite television stations broadcast to Iran from the United States (Los Angeles and Washington), Canada and Europe. Many of these stations are directly or indirectly funded by the regime. Only a handful of the publicly supported opposition television stations are actively fighting the regime, but with major obstacles. The regime has successfully been able to shut down, jam or interrupt their programming and broadcasts to Iran at critical times such as these. Statistics are not readily available or reliable, however, very few Iranians own satellite receivers due to the expense and illegality of ownership - it is a crime and thus subject to severe punishment. Reports and pictures from Iran show that the regime is using helicopters to locate satellite dishes on the rooftops, and is actively engaged in collecting and destroying them; again, to limit access to information and news. 
Much to the dislike of the ayatollahs, another mode of communication that Iranians have successfully utilized to receive information and send their messages, along with horrible pictures of killings, beatings and mass demonstrations, has been cellular phones. Here again, telecommunications is state run and, as mentioned earlier, thanks to companies such as Nokia and Siemens the regime has had the upper hand. 
Realizing the limitations of the aforementioned telecommunication technologies, we might have overlooked the efficacy of the shortwave radio broadcast. It has merit and deserves a closer look.
Shortwave possesses a number of advantages over newer technologies:
  • The difficulty in censoring programming by authorities and arresting listeners: unlike the Internet and cell phones, mullahs cannot monitor which stations (sites) are being listened to (accessed).
  • Low-cost shortwave radios are widely available in Iran.
  • Many newer shortwave receivers are portable and can be battery operated, making them useful in difficult circumstances. Newer technology includes hand-cranked radios which provide power for a short time.
  • Shortwave radios can be used in situations where Internet or satellite technology is unavailable, unaffordable or illegal.
  • Shortwave radio travels much farther than broadcast FM (88-108 MHz). Shortwave broadcasts can be easily transmitted over a distance of several thousand kilometers; i.e., from one continent to another, especially at night.  
Despite its vast natural resources, Iran is still a Third World country. However, almost all Iranians own radios and use them regularly to get their news and entertainment. Radios are not illegal and almost all automobiles are equipped with a shortwave band. Shopkeepers, housewives, taxi drivers, street vendors and factory workers listen to the radio on a regular basis. The radios are also very cheap, thanks to Chinese and Korean imports. It is
Khomeini successfully used shortwave broadcasts from France.
noteworthy that Khomeini successfully used shortwave broadcasts from France for almost a year, broadcasting his propaganda against the Shah and preparing the people for uprising prior to the revolution of 1979. 
By establishing a reliable shortwave broadcast, the opposition groups outside of Iran will gain a formidable tool to transmit their information and messages of support, encouragement all over Iran. They will more effectively mobilize the entire nation, not just the Tehran residents, to rise up against this tyrannical and brutal regime. 
The estimated cost for such a system varies, but I am informed by many experts that a functional system for a two-hour daily broadcast, with an editing and sound room, can be set up for around $500,000. This is a small price to pay to free a peace- and freedom-loving nation that has been held hostage by a ruthless, medieval and barbaric regime.
Will you help this civilized nation rise up from the ashes and the darkest period in its 7,000-year history, to join the ranks of democratic, civilized and freedom-loving states?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

UN -The Shameless, Deadly Silence

by Arash Irandoost
Many of you have been busy circulating numerous petitions to the United Nations regarding the brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Please do not waste your precious time any longer, hoping for a miracle to happen from this incompetent, corrupt, anti-Semitic and pro-Islamic organization. Since June 12, 2009, despite numerous
The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless, and the United Nations does not come to their rescue.
petitions signed by Iranians and submitted to the UN, there has not been any strong condemnation from this pro-Islamist organization regarding the criminal conduct of the medieval Islamist regime against its own citizens.
Don't just take my word for it, please do your own research on this organization and how it functions. The UN is an organization rife with incompetence, corruption and mismanagement.
The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless, and the United Nations does not come to their rescue. Mass public hangings, as well as secret executions in prisons, are routine in the tyrannical Islamic Republic of Iran. From its past performance, or rather its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs, since all it does is eat, sleep and look the other way. Furthermore, the dog has no teeth. The vet had to pull all its teeth before the dog became acceptable to the crafty cats that constitute the UN itself.
The founding purpose of the UN was to "bring peace and prosperity to the people of the world." In the age of terror and blatant human rights violations by many countries, such as Burma, China and Iran, the UN has failed miserably to meet its obligation and its purpose. The UN programs which were set up to help the Palestinians over the past half-century, have not only failed to produce decent lives, but have helped create a culture of hate and violence - fueled in large part by the UN's own anti-Israel agenda. It is not uncommon to hear anti-Israeli rhetoric in the hallways of the United Nations.
You have heard frequent complaining and condemnation from the UN that the self-admitted terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo are being denied their human rights, or defenseless Palestinians are killed by Israeli soldiers; yet, the UN has no time to speak out against documented human-rights-violating thugs in Iran. The UN has ignored the alarming surge in assassinations, rapes, killings, torture and the massive crackdown that the Islamic Republic has launched against pro-democracy activists.
The UN's never-ending silence on the crimes committed by the agents of terror in Iran is abhorrent. The UN has conveniently ignored the men and women being beaten, brutalized, raped and shot in the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities. The Security Council is silent; the Human Rights Council is silent; and no member state or any UN official has bothered to call for an emergency session to address these issues.
Why is the UN abandoning Iran's thousands of brutalized victims? Would Neda, Sohrab and Taraneh, and numerous other peaceful demonstrators, have been arrested, tortured, raped and killed if the UN had put the mullahs on notice, and expressed the world's outrage?
Pro democracy demonstrators are being killed daily by the paramilitary group, the Basijis and Hamas militias in Iran. Where is the UN? The UN was created and is committed in its charter to promote peace, freedom and "reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights."
The Islamic Republic also has started a nuclear program, not for peaceful purposes, as they claim, but only to prolong their unwanted existence long enough to get their hands on the bomb. Then they can feel invincible and continue their control over the armless Iranian people, and ultimately export their version of Shi'a Islam and terrorism around the globe.
Iran's regime is already in gross violation of a series of UN sanctions over a nuclear program the UN Security Council deems a threat to international peace. The same regime has now unleashed its security apparatus of
The UN is too cozy with Hamas terrorists and loathsome mullahs.
trained thugs and snipers on Iranian youth who have been, in huge numbers, demanding their basic rights. Surely, top UN officials such as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should be leading the charge for liberty and justice, with the strongest possible condemnation and other measures against the mullahs.
But that's not happening. While Iranian protesters have been risking their lives to try to rid their country of immoral Islamic dictators, Ban Ki-moon congratulates Ahmadinejad, invites him to the UN General Assembly, and asks him to continue cooperating closely with the UN in addressing regional and global issues.
Do not waste your time with your petitions. The UN is too cozy with Hamas terrorists and loathsome mullahs. Do not expect any help from the UN; they are in cahoots with extremists and have deviated from their original human rights charter of treating the world as one human family.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The United Nation’s Deadly Silence on Iran

The New Media Journal

August 15, 2009

Many of you have been busy circulating numerous petitions to the United Nations regarding the brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Please do not waste your precious time any longer, hoping for a miracle to happen from this incompetent, corrupt, anti-Semitic and pro-Islamic organization. Since June 12, 2009, despite numerous petitions signed by Iranians and submitted to the UN, there has not been any strong condemnation from this pro-Islamist organization regarding the criminal conduct of this medieval regime against its own citizens.

Don’t just take my word for it, please do your own research on this organization and how it functions. The UN is an organization rife with incompetence, corruption, and mismanagement.

The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless and the United Nations does not come to their rescue. Mass public hanging, as well as secret executions in prisons, are routine in the tyrannical Islamic Republic of Iran. From its past performance, rather its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs, since all it does is eat, sleep and look the other way. Furthermore, the dog has no teeth. The vet had to pull all its teeth before the dog became acceptable to the crafty cats that constitute the UN itself.

The founding purpose of the UN was to “bring peace and prosperity to the people of the world,” The UN in the age of terror and blatant human rights violations by many countries such as Burma, China and Iran, has failed miserably to meet its obligation and its purpose. The UN programs which was set up to help the Palestinians over the past half-century, have not only failed to produce decent lives, but have helped create a culture of hate and violence–fueled in large part by the UN's own anti-Israel agenda. It is not uncommon to hear anti-Israeli rhetoric in the hallways of the United Nations.

You have heard frequent complaining and condemnation from the UN that the self-admitted terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo are being denied their human rights, or defenseless Palestinians are killed by Israeli soldiers, yet the UN has no time to speak out against documented human rights violating thugs in Iran. The UN has ignored the alarming surge in assassinations, rapes, killings, torture and the massive crackdown that the Islamic Republic has launched against pro-democracy activists.

The UN’s never ending silence on the crimes committed by the agents of terror in Iran is abhorrent. The UN has conveniently ignored the men and women being beaten, brutalized, raped and shot in the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities. The Security Council is silent; the Human Rights Council is silent, and no member state or any UN official has bothered to call for an emergency session to address these issues.

Why is the UN abandoning Iran’s hundreds and thousands of brutalized victims? Would Neda, Sohrab and Taraneh and numerous other peaceful demonstrators have been arrested, tortured, raped and killed if the UN had put the Mullahs on notice, and expressed the world’s outrage?

Pro democracy demonstrators are being killed daily by the paramilitary group, the Basijis and Hamas militias in Iran. Where is the UN? The UN was created and is committed in its charter to promote peace, freedom and "reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights."

The Islamic Republic also has started a nuclear program, not for peaceful purposes, as they claim, but only to prolong their unwanted existence long enough to get their hands on the bomb so that they can feel invincible and continue their control over the armless Iranian people and ultimately export their version of Shi’a Islam and terrorism around the globe.

Iran's regime is already in gross violation of a series of UN sanctions over a nuclear program the UN Security Council deems a threat to international peace. The same regime has now unleashed its security apparatus of trained thugs and snipers on Iranian youth who have been, in huge numbers, demanding their basic rights. Surely top UN officials such as Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon should be leading the charge for liberty and justice, with the strongest possible condemnation and other measures against the mullahs.

But that's not happening. While Iranian protesters have been risking their lives to try to rid their country of immoral Islamic dictators, Ban Ki Moon congratulates Ahmadinejad, invites him to UN assembly, and asks him to continue cooperating closely with the UN in addressing regional and global issues. Do not waste your time with your petitions. The UN is too cozy with Hamas terrorists and loathsome mullahs. Do not expect any help from the UN, they are in cahoots with extremists and have deviated from their original human rights charter of treating the world as one human family!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

No Room for Public in the Islamic Republic

The New Media Journal 

The Iranian political map consists of three major factions. To the "left" there are the moderate conservatives who were represented in the election by Mousavi. In the “centre”, there are the conventional conservatives led by certain figures from the clerical hierarchy as well as prominent businessmen. Finally, there is the “radical right” as embodied in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Council (IRGC), to which Ahmadinejad belongs. Above all these three factions, sits the supreme leader, manipulating the strings that control the equilibrium between them.

With the tacit support of the Islamic Republic, a number of organizations have been cultivated to expound the Islamic regime’s policy abroad. These pro-Islamic regime lobby organizations such as
CAIR, CASMII, AIC, NIAC, IAPAC, CFR and PAAIA are attempting to manipulate, influence and pressure, both the U.S policy makers as well as the European Union’s, in favor of the Islamic Republic. In reality, these groups main objective has been to prolong diplomacy long enough until the IRI is beyond the point of return with its nuclear program.

Realizing the doomsday of the hardliners getting closer with each passing day, the lobbyists have changed course and have started supporting Mousavi, yet playing the devil’s advocate. With slogans such as “the Unites States should negotiate with Iran,” or “Mullahs are pragmatic bunch when it comes to foreign policy,” they were successful at convincing the Clinton administration, to some degree the Bush administration, but to a much greater extent, the Obama administration that they should consider negotiating with the mullahs without any pre-conditions regarding the nuclear and other issues.

Lobbyists directly were behind the President Obama “Nowruz” message to the Islamic Republic and thereafter, his famous Cairo’s message to the Muslim world. This was seen as legitimizing the Islamic Republic by many Iranians. With incessant overtures from Obama to appease the mullahs and invite them to the negotiation table, Iranians became very frustrated and angry. Whether they supported Mousavi or Ahmadinejad, Obama was willing to talk to either camp. They were hoping Obama to make human rights a priority, while Obama focused on the nuclear issue. The Islamic Republic leads all other nations on human rights violations except for China.

Even though the Islamic Republic, as a member of the United Nations, gives pretence of democratic processes and adherence to human rights principles, the harsh reality is that the Islamic Republic has never had the intention of being a democracy. There is no room for Public in the Islamic Republic. A closer read of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic reveals that all real power lies with the Supreme Leader and safeguards a pure Muhammadan Shi’a Islamic principle.

Iranian presidents do not have a say in major decisions within the power structure which favors a Caliphate style government (a form of government inspired by interpretations of the religion of Islam). But having a president gives a pretense of a democratic system for outside consumption and propaganda.

In order for the regime to cloak the iniquitous tilt towards the theocratic supremacy over the people, mullahs have resorted to all sorts of contrived tactics to justify their actions. The Islamic Republic pretends that people actually have a voice in Iran’s affairs. It holds sham elections. But even though, it is called elections, the constitution’s hegemony is present. The supreme leader approves peoples’ elected choice and can dismiss the president at anytime he deems it necessary.

Iran is not a monolithic society. It is a country of various religious and ethnic minorities. However, only candidates from the Shi’a sect are eligible to become president. Even though women attempt to participate, it is abundantly clear they are not invited. Only candidates with proven track record of murder, arrests, rapes and torture and with allegiance to the revolution are allowed to run. Yet, out of this select group of criminals, only a few head-picked criminals like Karoobi, Mousavi, Rezaei and Ahmadinejad were authorized to run this year. The Iranian people, in reality, were given an option to choose the best of the worst to run the affairs of their country. Obviously, people have eschewed such rigged elections and inevitably the government has resorted to various tricks to lure them back in.

Iranians are very proud of their glorious pre-Islamic Iran and its rich history and culture, a country where Cyrus the Great once ruled. Prior to 7th Century Arab conquest, the Iranian empire stretched from India to Greece. The Persian literature is filled with romance, nightingale, rose gardens, music, poetry, wine and enjoying what life has to offer. Iranians do not see themselves as part of the Middle East and do not identify with their Arab neighbors.

The Arabs who sallied out of the Arabian deserts did not fan out to the outside world with the Quran in one hand and flowers in the other, preaching love and peace from street corner to street corner, thereby capturing the hearts and minds of the people. Islam was forced upon the invaded at the point of the sword and the imposition of backbreaking jazyyeh (special taxes) levied on those who were spared death and allowed to retain their religious beliefs. In spite of paying heavy Jazyyeh, the non-Muslims were treated, at best, as second class citizens in their own homelands.

As a nation with more advanced sciences, architecture, literature and culture, Iranians not only resisted the Arab influence at every opportunity but attempted to mutate the invaders customs to suit their purpose. They even branched out Sunni Islam to include the Shi’a version.

It is noteworthy that Zoroastrianism was the official religion of all Persian kings, yet it was never forced onto the non-Zoroastrian subjects of the Persian Empire. Of all the great Aryan Kings of Iran (Iran means "Land of the Aryans"), Cyrus the Great, more than 2500 years ago, represented the true embodiment of Zoroastrian beliefs. Cyrus attributed his conquests to Ahuramazda, the Creator of Life and Wisdom, the One and only God of the Universe. This Zoroastrian King and his descendants, who called themselves Aryans (not to be associated with the false and negative connotations during WWII), which literally means "Nobles," freed the Jews from the captivity in Babylon (present-day Iraq) and assisted them in re-building their Temple in Jerusalem. For his noble act, Cyrus is praised in the Hebrew Old Testament as the "Anointed of the Lord", a title never before given to any gentile, past or present. "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden" (Isaiah 45:1). Thus Cyrus, an Iranian of Persian lineage and a follower of Zoroastrianism was immortalized in history.

Contrary to what mullahs might make you believe, Iranians have always had a fascination with the west and love America and the American ideals. Immediately after the news of September 11 attacks reached Iran, they poured onto the streets with candle light vigils to show solidarity with the American people in time of their grief, in contrast to the Palestinians who were cheering and dancing on the streets when they heard of the tragic event which killed more than 3,000 innocent people.

In adherence to Sharia laws, during the thirty years of the Islamic Republic, many basic liberties were taken away from the people. In general, Sharia law favor men and treats women as second class citizens. Music was banned in public. Happy colors were replaced by black in memory of Shi’a Martyrs. Consumption of alcoholic beverages was forbidden. However, Iranians have resisted the Sharia’s influence at every opportunity. More alcoholic beverages are consumed in Iran than prior to revolution. There are more singers and more songs are written now than before the revolution. Despite the strict Islamic dress code, Iranian women have defied it at every opportunity.

Having a person of Ahmadinejad’s caliber, often with spur-of-the-moment remarks on the world stage, has been rather embarrassing and humiliating to most educated Iranians. Disillusioned by the Islamic Republic’s broken promises year after year, they had opted to boycott the elections to send a message to the rest of world in this past election. Mullahs realizing the danger; contrived something new: for the first time in its history, they allowed open debates where candidates could challenge each other on the state-run television which was viewed by millions of Iranians. The Iranians heard from candidates’ own mouths the level of arrogance, ineptitude, and corruption which further infuriated them. The majority is claimed to have voted for Mousavi. Those who voted for him did so out of frustration and unfulfilled promises of the revolution. One might argue that their vote was NO to the entire establishment.

Anticipating a not so favorable election outcome, but determined to inflict the world with the light of Islam, Ahmadinejad in collaboration with the IRGC and the Supreme Leader saw no choice but a coup d’état. Soon after the elections, Ahmadinejad met with Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi (a powerful leading clergy and spiritual advisor to Ahmadinejad) and several other religious leaders in Qom and assured them of his plan and its successful implementation. Later, he met with Putin to secure his support. All was going according to the plan, until few missteps during and right after the elections led to the uprising.

Disillusioned by the Supreme Leader who supported Ahmadinejad in a rigged election, brave Iranians decided to take matters into their own hands. They poured onto the streets of Tehran and large provinces en masse. Their peaceful demonstrations within the restrictive confines of the regime, to demand a fair vote count, received a cruel and lethal reaction from Khamenei and his plain-clothed Basij militia and Hamas and Hizbollah hired thugs. They demonstrated in millions, chanting “Where is my vote?” and “God is great!” (Not necessarily a religious slogan) but an astute defiance of a religious regime. Slogans soon were changed to “Death to the dictator” meaning Ahmadinejad.

The exiled opposition groups and Iranians living abroad, witnessing the courageous and brave acts of the Iranian youths, supported them by massive demonstrations and elevated their chants to “Down with the Islamic Republic.”

Emboldened by massive demonstrations and expressions of support by the exiled oppositions groups and the world reaction to unjust and brutal treatment of youths who simply wanted their votes counted, the slogans matured to cross the red line, something unimaginable: “Death to the dictator”, this time Khamenei being the target. What is even more interesting is that Iranian youths for the first time decided not to follow the regime’s customary slogans of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” when directed by the Basij on Friday prayers following Rafsanjani’s speech. They defied the status quo and chanted their own slogans: “Death to Russia.” When a Basij directed them from his loudspeaker to chant “Death to Israel,” the brave youths chanted back “Death to Putin.”

Most Iranians have a passion for America and what it has symbolized for them. They do not see Israel as their enemy but rather as a natural ally in the Middle East. The slogan that was recently chanted echoed the ultimate intentions of the Iranian people: “Independence, Freedom, and Iranian Republic.”

As for the claim that CIA meddling plays into mullahs hands, the Iranian regime will claim that regardless. The mullahs have already blamed demonstrations on the CIA, Israel and MEK to suit their purposes. Lobbyists have been at work and have tried to portray demonstrators as Mousavi supporters. However, in reality, demonstrations and slogans are simply cries of frustrated freedom loving youths yearning for a more modern and better life style and opportunities that an Islamic form of a government is not willing to offer. In truth the Iranian people have already judged the regime and found it wanting.

It is anticipated that demonstration will continue and gain strengths if history provides any clues. Pro- democracy demonstrators have been very clever and have outmaneuvered highly trained Hamas and Hizbollah militias who have shown no sympathy for Iranians. Various civil disobedience techniques are being employed. Hamas and Hezbollah militias should be concerned, as tolerant as most Iranians are, they are sensitive about Arabs beating their brothers and arresting and raping their sisters in their own country. The crisis is far from over. Ahmadinejad government is faced with serious legitimacy crisis that will only worsen as hardliners continue their repressive policies.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Islamic government of Iran's Smoke and Mirrors


Since 1977, no two men have contributed more to the erosion of America's credibility and prestige than President Carter and his foreign policy advisor, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski (with the verdict not yet in on President Obama). Jimmy Carter, aided by Mr. Brzezinski, introduced new directions in foreign policy that would ultimately trick Russia to invade Afghanistan in a cold blooded eagerness to payback Moscow for Vietnam and betray one of America's closest allies in the Middle East. By orchestrating the Shah's failure and supporting Khomeini, they created one of the most militant anti-American dictatorships, considered by many as the most dangerous threat faced by the United States today.

Their short-sided and ill-conceived policies have been a source of frustration and disappointment towards America leading to lack of trust and loss of respect for this great nation. Carter's policies have contributed to making the Middle East an extremely turbulent region giving rise to militant and ideologically-driven Islam that has been reigning terror ever since. Indeed, Taliban and the Islamic Republic are the byproducts of such miscalculated foreign policy decisions.

Out of character for America in terms of her history, sense of morality and basic decency, policy makers in administration after administration of American continue with their failed policies aided by the intelligence community and liberal ideologues, and orchestrated by Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) financed lobbyists and "so-called: reporters; university professors; opposition and human rights activists; and Iran experts. America is no longer the nation of Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan. Gone are the days of America standing with democracy and freedom seeking groups." Bending down and bending backward to appease dictators, extending an open hand to terrorist nations, allowing a regime that randomly arrests, imprisons, tortures, stones, hangs and rapes women to have a seat on UN Women's Right Commission and ignoring blatant human rights violations by the United Nations member nations have become routine.

Such policies of appeasement have not gone unnoticed by various friends and foes. The United States' continuous acquiescence to IRI leaders has disenfranchised many pro democracy Iranians. Their last glimmer of hope was painfully dashed by Obama soon after his election when he extended his hand and addressed the rapist government of Iran on the occasion Iranian New Year. Frustrated by America's silence, demonstrators risked their lives and chanted "Obama are you with them or with us?", providing the United States with yet another opportunity to redeem itself. Obama turned his back on them and their cries for freedom and democracy went unnoticed. Sadly, such actions have emboldened the mullahs. Reports of torture, rape and hangings continue to pour out of Iran.

Cognizant that its weapons program and human rights violations might eventually be condemned by the world community, the Islamic Republic has been spending millions of dollars on a campaign of smoke and mirrors to legitimize, justify, and hide its criminal activities and weapons program.

Lobby groups and IRI agents are hard at work to discredit pro-democracy opposition groups and dissuade the world community from taking a decisive action against Iran. Deceitfully, they have infiltrated the universities, established foundations and mosques, bought out ethnic television stations to shape public opinion and the US policy. They appear on American television and news stations, write books and articles, and organize public events and orchestrate rallies. Their concerted and coordinated strategy is designed to fool the United States into thinking that Regime is pragmatic, can be reformed and Mousavi is the man to bring about the needed reforms. They oppose sanctions and claim sanctions only hurt ordinary people. They push for dialogue and diplomacy, and assassinate or smear those who oppose them as CIA, Israeli agents or belonging to MEK. All aimed at buying mullahs enough time to build their nuclear bomb to continue their vile existence.

Such handlers never talk about the elephant in the room, which has systematically monopolized major business and economic sectors of the Iranian community, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the real power in Iran. IRGC will not allow any major economic reform to be implemented. Mousavi and any other "reformist leaders" will be powerless against them. IRGC has a lot to lose and little to gain by reforms. To some degree decisions on the nuclear weapons program indirectly rest with IRGC and not Khamenei. IRGC drives massive revenues by keeping the nuclear program alive. Forcing IRI to abandon its nuclear program translates to loss of a great revenue source for IRGC.

The schizophrenic position of IRI and its propagandists is indeed bizarre at best when it comes to sanctions. On the one hand, Ahmadinejad dares the West to impose strictest of sanctions, yet behind the scene he is frantically engaged in preventing it from happening. Despite what regime's handlers have made you believe, sanctions do work and the majority of Iranians are desirous and demanding of the strictest sanctions. Those who claim that sanctions will hurt the ordinary people are yet to provide any credible evidence to support their assertions. Such false claims are based on a few fabricated and phony surveys. A closer examination of such surveys reveals that they were sent to very few select individuals sympathetic to the regime. There is evidence now to support that lobbyist intentionally mislead Americans and lied to Congress using fabricated information. The majority of Iranians are angry at the West and the UN by not imposing the strictest sanctions in light of regime's blatant human rights violations.

Another strategy embedded within the propagandists' mission is to use the potential for war as the scare tactic and portray opposition groups as "war mongers." This is yet another ploy to push for dialogue and diplomacy with the rogue regime. In my opinion, just the opposite is true. Facts are, despite their differences of opinion, the world community is united on one issue. They are intent on preventing Iran from going nuclear and will not allow Iran to possess a nuclear bomb. If successful, it is the IRI propagandists, lobby groups and IRI policies that are inching Iran towards an all out war. Their strategy of aiding IRI to develop a nuclear weapon will ultimately lead to confrontation between Iran and the West.

The West was fooled once by Khomeini. He was sold to American as the great visionary, a Ghandhi- and MLK-like character with saintly qualities by agenda driven propagandists. Many of IRI's criminal activities and human rights violations were initiated by Khomeini and carried out by Mousavi and Mousavi-type characters. Mousavi sees Khomeini as his source of inspiration and dreams of returning Iran to that era. Mousavi is an anti American and a staunch supporter of the nuclear weapons program and was instrumental in establishing Hezbollah.

After the imposition of a fourth round of watered down sanctions to stop IRI's nuclear weapons' program, and anticipating yet another failure, decision makers in the United States must ask themselves whether they want to continue to be hoodwinked by masterful IRI propagandists and buy in their fuzzy and deceptive logic that dialogue and diplomacy is the answer, or change the course and work towards regime change and support pro democracy groups? They need to consider that:

* Thirty one years of appeasement and failed attempts at dialogue has been a source of frustration and embarrassment for various US leaders at various times from Carter, to Reagan, Bush, Clinton and perhaps in the not so distant future, Obama.
* The regime is intent on developing nuclear weapons. It is a mandate from Khomeini in the aftermath of his failed war with Iraq, and a part of an ideologically driven expansionist agenda to export Islam beyond Iran's borders.
* An examination of IRI's constitution, elections process, and power structure makes it abundantly clear that reform is not possible. In the regime's mind, it is the West that needs the reform. Theirs is a religious duty and a mandate from Allah. They perceive their theocratic system of governance superior to that of any other nation.
* Inaction by the West will have disastrous consequences for the world. With nuclear weapons at their disposal, mullahs are bent on wiping Israel off the map, expand their religion to remote corners of the universe and settle some unsettled issues.

Dr. Brzezinski's strategy of using militant Islam against Russia has been obviously abysmal failure. IRI not only has not served as a defense against Russia, but has intimately allied itself with her. Many Iranians, having seen the real face fundamental Islam over the past 31 years, are turning away from it in large numbers and are converting to Christianity and Zoroastrianism, something which Islamic Republic paid pundits do not tell Americans about. The notion that Iran is going to fall into Communist hands is no longer a valid theory. Iranian Communists and Marxists, after a sequential love and hate relationship with IRI, have now allied themselves with IRI and are working toward regime's survival.

Regime change, if successful, will kill two birds with one stone, and hopefully get rid of both IRI and the Iranian Left. Iranians during the demonstrations chanted several significant slogans expressing their prevailing views. Chief among them were slogans directly aimed at Russia, another in solidarity with Israel, and yet another one against Hamas and Hezb'allah. In reality, this is a great opportunity for the United States to seize the moment and support the Iranian prodemocracy demonstrators, since their political views are closely aligned with that of the United States.
Dr. Arash Irandoost is a pro-democracy activist who advocates Regime Change in Iran. He has been published in numerous magazines around the world as well as hundreds of Internet magazines, websites and blogs. He is also a researcher and literary translator and has been a strong voice for the struggling people of Iran. He blogs at

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Iranian Dissident: Dear Israeli Brothers and Sisters - Help Us!

By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
Israel National News, 06/25/2009

( Iranian anti-regime activists are hoping for an Israeli technological hand to help them fight the Islamic Republic. As of now, hundreds of protesters have been killed by the regime, which is evidently using Arabic-speaking armed thugs from Hizbullah to help perpetrate the violence.

"Dear Israeli Brothers and Sisters," writes Iranian dissident Arash Irandoost, "Iran needs your help more than ever now. And we will be eternally grateful. Please help opposition television and radio stations which are blocked and being jammed by the Islamic Republic (Nokia and Siemens) resume broadcast to Iran. There is a total media blackout and Iranians inside Iran for the most part are not aware of their brave brothers and sisters fighting and losing their lives daily. And the unjust treatment and brutal massacre of the brave Iranians in the hands of the mullah's paid terrorist Hamas and Hizbullah gangs are not seen by the majority of the Iranians. Please help in any way you can to allow these stations resume broadcasting to Iran.
"And, please remember that we will remember, as you have remembered Cyrus the Great's treatment of you in your time of need," Irandoost concludes, signing his blogged call for help "Your Iranian Brothers and Sisters!"

In an interview with Israel National News, Iranian expatriate pro-democracy activist Amil Imani said that Irandoost's message represents the sentiments of much of the youth in the streets in Iran. They have a strong belief in the technological know-how of the Israelis to overcome the Iranian regime's attempts to block communications.
"This is going to be the most massive, impressive revolution of the 21st century," Imani said, "and we're seeing it live." However, he added, it is now too dependent on Internet communications, so the protesters are very much in need of outside assistance to fight the technological and information war.
More generally, Imani said, the Iranian people are lionizing any leader of any nation who comes out strongly against the Islamic Republic at this time.
According to Imani, at least 500 people have been killed by Iranian government forces, with another 5,000 injured. But the hospitals are no longer safe, he added, as the gunmen from the basiji militia enter the emergency wards looking for wounded protesters. Therefore, Imani said, sympathetic doctors have taken to treating the wounded wherever they can, including in private homes.
Even outside Iran, tens of thousands of protesters are out in the streets every day, especially in the United States and Europe. Imani said he thinks the phenomenon represents unprecedented unity in the Iranian expatriate community.
As for the basijis themselves, Imani reported, many of them are Lebanese and Palestinian Authority Arabs hired by the regime to do its bidding. Iranians reportedly captured seven basijis who spoke no Persian, only Arabic. According to Imani, 10,000 more Arab hired guns arrived in Tehran to serve the mullah-led regime.
But they are not the only ones thinking about guns at this point. Some Iranian protesters, Imani reported, have taken to threatening their oppressors, "God have mercy on you if we decide to [take up] arms!"
"There is no turning back," Imani concluded.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can we learn any lessons from Roxana Saberi's release?


by  Arash Irandoost
May 12, 2009

Western media has portrayed the release of Roxana Saberi as perhaps the softening of the regime and perhaps a smart move on the part of Ahmadinejad hoping to gain election votes. Rather than highlighting the irrational and idiotic judicial process practiced in Iran. Western media should really question how is it that a journalist accused and jailed for spying and espionage charges, which are considered very serious by any government standards, would be denied basic legal representation, quickly charged, jailed, allowed proper legal representation under pressure, tried again and rather quickly released.  And just how many innocent Iranians are detained almost weekly if not daily for similar baseless charges who do not enjoy Roxana Saberi or Hale Esfandiari’s visibility. 

In reality, Ms. Saberi’s release should be viewed as an indictment of a corrupt regime and its judicial system and process. If Ms. Saberi was in fact guilty as charged and as claimed by the judicial system for such a serious crime, then why was she released?  And if she was innocent, why was she arrested in the first place?  Hopefully, Ms. Saberi will share her experience with the world as a responsible journalist should as soon as it is safe for her to do so, unless mullahs have cut a deal with her not to discuss the details of experience, as one of the conditions of her release as they so masterfully did with other Iranian-Americans arrested, jailed and released in the past. That would be very unfortunate indeed. Only time will tell!  Mrs. Zahra Kazemi was not so fortunate, having been raped and tortured and killed under the presidency of uncivilized president who fooled the West by his so called Dialogue of Civilizations.

Nonetheless, Ms. Saberi’s release reveals several points about the Islamic Republic:

 *  Iranian-Americans beware, the regime is watching you and is very suspicious of   your trips to Iran

*  Reporters, you cannot conduct objective reporting in a country such as Iran, save yourselves the trouble. 

*  The Mullahs justice system is flawed to the core.

*  You can only negotiate with the mullahs from a position of strength (translated as zoor in Iran). 

Last point is noteworthy, zoor is what mullahs know and understand. You cannot appease the mullahs and attempt to negotiate with them by showing any weakness.  Russia knows it, Arabs are beginning to realize it and Brits have known it all along.  That as was the case when British soldiers were arrested in the Persian Gulf, again for very serious charges, but quickly released with new clothes, gifts along with other customary Iranians courtesies. Hopefully, Americans are catching on and perhaps that was the case with Barack Obama, resulting in Roxanne’s abrupt release, and hopefully will be the case with Israel.

Arash Irandoost